Black Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter protests preview the politics of a diversifying  America - CNNPolitics

Black Lives Matter

         The Black Lives Matter protest that occurred in New York on September 12 was supposed to be a peaceful protest which is fully supported by everyones First Amendment right. However, due to some disorderly conduct, people were arrested by police. Unfortunately, other protesters interfered with the arrest which led with the protesters and police clashing. While the First Amendment supports a persons right to protest, it does not support violence.  There is a dichotomy  between peaceful protests and freedom of expression versus violence against others and destruction of property. The Black Lives Matter movement is based on the principle of fighting injustice and racism towards the black community. The peaceful protests that are allowed by the First Amendment as well as the Bedrock Principles, which states that the government cannot prohibit the expression of their ideas, both support the Black Lives Matter Movement. Unfortunately, there are people that take advantage of their freedom of expression without government interference by causing destruction and violence.
