Speech Theory

Promote Tolerance

     I would say Promote Tolerance is the most important speech theory in my mind. Promote Tolerance definitely relates to a lot to modern day events. In class we spoke about the reason why hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. It was said that it is protected by the First Amendment because it leads to a more tolerant society. It was also said that even if hate speech was eradicated and there was a law that bans it, it will not be run to the ground. It will simply be hidden but people will still express their opinions regardless.  The Media Law and Literacy Blog states that " a more tolerant society is a better society".  http://medlawlit.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_9.html
     In today's society I do not believe there is a reason to create a law regarding hate speech. It can be said that society does a great job making sure any victims of hate speech, who do not deserve it, get the justice they need without it becoming a legal issue. Society is definitely doing a great job effectively dealing with any cases on hate speech. In today's world, social media is a big way to show that people have each other's backs. On twitter, for example, if a white person decides to post a statement that involves a derogatory term such as the "n-word" justice will be served.
The world of social media is so powerful. Cancel culture is a very modern term that is pretty self-explanatory. While this culture can be said to be toxic and probably can be dealt with in better ways. It is still effective when it comes to hate speech. Hate speech should definitely not have to be taken in a legal stand point but it should be dealt with in a way to show the person it is not right, nor will it be taken lightly. Society does a great job ensuring that justice is served. I definitely can say I see Promote Tolerance in action today.
