Coded Bias

Coded Bias | Human Rights Watch Film Festival
As Technology evolves, it has become obvious that there is need to capture many different data sets to ensure all populations and objects are widely represented but there is also a risk on peoples’ rights for privacy. In the video on Coded Bias, the engineering of the facial recognition software brings attention to the fact that even technology needs to be taught the differences in people.  The software has issues with differentiating race and color.  While advancement in technology is a benefit to society, it also intrudes on people’s right to privacy. People should be informed and given a choice if they are going to be scanned. I personally believe that a state should not have the power to film/scan any person without them knowing. I agree with the women in “Coded Bias” that it is a violation of privacy and people should not have to fear having their privacy taken from them. I found it interesting, while also a little concerning, that in China a person is able to buy their groceries by simply scanning her face. If they’re able to scan them just for buying groceries they are probably also able to do a lot more with just plain facial recognition. While it is convenient, I value my privacy that we have here in the United States. As technology advances, the engineers need to consider ways to control bias and ensure privacy is built in the software when thinking about facial recognition.
