Class Member EOTO

Class Members Each One Teach One

In class, on October 13th, I learned about many different communication devices that have been created over the years. I learned about emoticons, televisions, social medias, and many more. One device that particularly interested me was the creation of the Video Recorder. The Video Recorder was created by Charles Ginsburg while he worked at the Apex Corporation. It shocked me to find out that the first Video Recorder was sold for $50,000 in 1956. $50,000 in 1956 is converted to about $477,000 which is a very large sum of money. From 1960 to 1982 Sony launched many different devices such as the very first television (a.k.a Sony TV8-301). Sony also launched the first stereo cassette player and the first CD player ever made. The Video Recorder has some benefits as well as some downfalls. Some benefits the Video Recorder offers includes the fact that it has great imagery. It is also very useful that it is able to record video as long as recording audio simultaneously. Lastly, it has great coverage. One camera in a video recorder can have multiple lenses. While these benefits are great, there are also some downfalls to the Video Recorder. One downfall is the fact that some Video Recorders have a limit to how much footage you can film at one time. This can be frustrating when a person is trying to film a lot of footage at once. Also, the cost of video recorders can be a big negative aspect of the product. Video Recorders can run from hundreds to thousands of dollars and they can rack up a very large cost. This may be a problem for people who really want a recording device but they do not have the financial aspect to be able to buy it. The Video Recorder is a very cool communication device that is very useful to people around the world and it can be used for a lot of different things.


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