Class Member EOTO 2


    One of my classmates talked about Whistleblowers and what exactly they are. I see that this is a concept coming up in class so I believe this is a great topic to speak about. This presentation was very good and full of great information. My classmate first spoke about what exactly a Whistleblower is. A Whistleblower is a person, usually an employee, who will bring wrongdoing by an employer or by other employees to the government or a law enforcement agency. There are both positives and negatives to a Whistleblower. A pro could be that the Whistleblower is revealing information that may be harmful to the environment and its employees. But, there is also negative aspects of being a Whistleblower. If the Whistleblower is found, they will most likely lose their jobs and other companies will probably be very hesitant to hire that person due to loyalty even though Whistleblowers are usually protected legally from retaliation. An example that my classmate used was someone within their company would reveal a fact that their company is price fixing or billing for services not performed. 
    Whistleblowers have ways of affecting society as a whole. Whistleblowing brings fairness and loyalty into conflict. It was quoted in the PowerPoint by, "Doing what is fair or is just often conflicts with loyalty". Whistleblowing can positively affect society if this act occurs when that more harm than good is occurring if the Whistleblower decides to stay silent. Whistleblowing can also negatively affect society if that same Whistleblower only has the intention of doing this act for personal gain. Greed is sometimes a motivating source when considering whether to "blow the whistle" on a wrongdoing. In the end, Whistleblowing is very controversial relating to every party.

Powerpoint by Julia Mays
